Berlin Wall – Impact

After the closure of the East-West border in Berlin. The huge amount of population could not travel from East Germany to West Germany. While once the same Berlin was an easy pass-through for people traveling across East to West Germany, now turned into the most difficult one. Families and friends were separated. These people were controlled by their political leaders same as in the movie ‘What happened to Monday’.

People from East Berlin carrying out their jobs in West Berlin were dethroned, because if you are not a sheep from our herd then there is no chance you are feeding on our grass :).

Where is the Berlin Wall Located?

Berlin Wall was a series of concrete walls built during the Cold War dividing East and West Berlin and the surrounded whole of West Berlin denying entry from either of the sides situated in East Germany. It was demolished by the 1989-fall, well the fragments of the wall still exist in the Topography of Terror Museum in Berlin, Germany.

The Wall was more than just a geographical divider, it separated millions of people, which means many families, and friends were unable to visit each other. There was a major Job-loss in East Berlin and approximately 2 dozen of people died along the border with West Berlin in the first 10 weeks of the walls’ establishment.

It had a great impact on Cold War too and prevented the further influence of the West Side on the East side and became the most iconic image of the Cold War.

Table of Content

  • Wall’s Establishment
  • Berlin Wall – Impact
  • Berlin Wall – Structure
  • Berlin Wall – The Fall
  • FAQs – Where is the Berlin Wall Located?

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