Benefits of Software Testing

Below are the benefits of software testing:

1. Customer Satisfaction

The prime goal of any service-based organization is to serve the best features and experience to their customers, customer satisfaction is the only goal for the success and popularity of an application. 

  • Software testing helps in building the trust and satisfaction of the customer by assuring a defect-free application.
  • UI testing enhances customer satisfaction. Software Testing tries to uncover all possible defects and test an application as per customer requirements. 
  • For example, eCommerce is dependent on the customer, and a satisfied customer will improve its market value and earnings.

2. Cost Effective

If an application works without any fault and with low maintenance will save a big amount for the owner. 

  • Software testing helps in early defect detection and fixing them to make a more successful and good return application. 
  • Every application demands maintenance and the application owner spends a good amount to maintain the working and functionality of the application. 
  • By testing an application, the maintenance area reduces too many folds and hence saves money.
  • Software testing helps in saving the money of the developing organization by detecting defects in the early stages of the software which becomes easy and economical for the developer to redesign the module instead of detecting bugs after the complete development of the software. 

3. Quality Product

The main focus of software testing is to deliver a quality product to its clients which results in a satisfied client. The quality of a product can only be maintained when it is bug-free and meet all the user requirements. 

  • To meet the product qualities, if an application works with other related applications then it must undergo compatibility testing. 
  • During software testing, an application undergoes several testing techniques to make a quality end product and the testing team tries their best by writing test cases and test scenarios to validate defect-free free applications.

4. Low Failure

Failure of an application impacts its working and brand value. Software testing helps in knowing the cases where a particular application is most likely to fail. 

  • For example, An eCommerce application is more likely to fail when there is heavy traffic and load. 
  • This type of application goes through stress testing to check the highest possible limit of the application to handle the load.
  • Software testing makes an application more robust and reliable.

5. Bug-Free Application

The main task of software testing is to identify bugs and inform them the concerned developing team to fix. When a bug is fixed, testers recheck the bug to identify its status.

  • A bug-free application means an application with no glitches, faults, or defects and works effectively and smoothly. The only demand of an application is that it functions as per requirements and does not behave unusually due to defects.
  • A 100% bug-free application is practically not possible but the testing team tries to identify as many as possible bugs in the application by creating test scenarios. Software testing follows the STLC process to detect a bug. 

6. Security

The main concern of the digital world is Security. A secure system always remains on the priority list of customers. Owners pay multiple dollars to make their systems secure from hackers, malicious attacks, and other thefts. Security testing technique is used to identify the security level of the application and testers try to find loopholes to break the security of an application.

  • In the case of bank applications, security is the foremost requirement as it deals with customer money, and bank applications always remain on top of the thefts. 
  • The testing team uses security testing to identify defects and the development team tries to cover the application with multiple security layers.
  • Thus, software testing is a must to maintain the security of an application.

7. Easy Recovery

Recovery means when an application fails it restarts functioning as usual by consuming less time. An application is successful when it recovers very quickly and performs its normal functions. 

  • Software testing helps in identifying the recovery rate of an application with the total time it is using to recover.
  • During testing, testers test an application to identify case scenarios where any application is mostly likely to fail and how much time it is taking to recover. 
  • Testers inform the development team and developers make changes in the internal coding to make the fast recovery of an application.

8. Speed Up the Development Process

An application can be delivered early only when its development is fast. Software testing helps the development team to speed up their development process by detecting defects and informing them. The identified defect can be easily fixed in the early stages of system development and this does not affect the working with other functionalities.

  • Software testing work parallels with the development team to make them know where is a defect. 
  • Identifying bugs and fixing them in parallel to system development enhances the development process of an application because the development team need not wait for bug identification and fixing.
  • In case, a module contains a bug and it affects the functionality of other related modules then, in this case, developers need to design and check working all related modules.

9. Early Defect Detection

Software testing is all about identifying defects. If the software testing team i.e. Quality Assurance team works parallel from the beginning of the software development then it is easy for early defect detection and also helps the development team to fix them. If testing starts after the complete development of the software then the developer needs to redesign all interrelated modules to fix the defect of a particular module. 

10. Reliable Product

A product is reliable only when it performs as per user requirements and can build customer trust. 

  • Software testing increases the reliability of an application by testing the application with security testing, performance testing, and other testing techniques.
  • Software testing validates that an application behaves as per customer requirements and tries to find as many possible defects by either applying complete testing or exhaustive testing.

Benefits of Software Testing

Software Testing is a process to evaluate and verify the working of the application as per user requirements. The main focus of software testing is to identify bugs and inform the development team to fix them. Several testing techniques are used as per the requirements of the application and user. There are software testing models like SDLC, Agile, Spiral model, and many more. There are two types of software testing modes: Manual software testing and automated software testing.

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