Basic Syntax of CustomPaint Widget

size: Size, // Specify the size of the custom painting area
painter: CustomPainter, // Provide a CustomPainter class for drawing
foregroundPainter: CustomPainter, // Optional: Overlay painter
isComplex: true, // Optional: Specify whether painting is complex
willChange: false, // Optional: Specify whether painting will change
child: YourChildWidget(), // Optional: Child widget to be placed above the painting

Flutter – Make a Custom Circle using Custom Paint

The CustomPaint widget in Flutter allows you to create custom drawings and graphics by specifying a custom CustomPainter class. In this article, we are going to implement a CustomPaint Widget and draw a circle by creating a custom CustomPainter Class. A sample Image is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.

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Basic Syntax of CustomPaint Widget

CustomPaint( size: Size, // Specify the size of the custom painting area painter: CustomPainter, // Provide a CustomPainter class for drawing foregroundPainter: CustomPainter, // Optional: Overlay painter isComplex: true, // Optional: Specify whether painting is complex willChange: false, // Optional: Specify whether painting will change child: YourChildWidget(), // Optional: Child widget to be placed above the painting)...

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