Basic Log Command

The `git log` command is the most straightforward way to list all commits.

   git log

This command will display the commits in reverse chronological order, showing the most recent commits first.

How to Get List of All Commits in Git?

Git a powerful version control system, keeps track of all changes made to a project by recording each change in a commit. Sometimes, you need to see the complete list of commits to understand the project’s history, track changes, or debug issues.

Listing all commits in a Git repository can be useful for:

  • Understanding Project History: Reviewing all changes made over time.
  • Tracking Progress: Seeing who made what changes and when.
  • Debugging: Identifying when a bug was introduced by looking at changes.
  • Documentation: Generating changelogs or release notes.

Here are several ways to list all commits in a Git repository which are as follows:

Table of Content

  • Basic Log Command
  • Compact Log with Oneline Option
  • Customized Log Output
  • Using Gitk for a GUI View

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