Basic Example of RadioListTile


  title: Text('Option 1'),
  subtitle: Text('Description of Option 1'),
  value: 1,
  groupValue: selectedValue,
  onChanged: (int? value) {
    setState(() {
      selectedValue = value;

Flutter – RadioListTile Widget

RadioListTile is a widget that combines a radio button with a list tile. It is often used in scenarios where you need to present a list of mutually exclusive options, and the user can select one option from the list. Each RadioListTile represents a single option in the list and consists of a title, a subtitle, an optional leading or trailing widget, and a radio button. In this article, we are going to implement the RadioListTile widget and explore some properties of it. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.

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Dart RadioListTile(   title: Text('Option 1'),   subtitle: Text('Description of Option 1'),   value: 1,   groupValue: selectedValue,   onChanged: (int? value) {     setState(() {       selectedValue = value;     });   }, )...

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