Basic Concepts of Elasticsearch REST API

Before we perform the examples of interacting with Elasticsearch via its REST API, let’s cover some basic concepts:

  • Index: In Elasticsearch an index is like a big container or folder where we store similar types of information. Just like we might have a folder for photos another for documents and so on but in Elasticsearch, we have an index for different kinds of data.
  • Document: In Elasticsearch the document is like a single piece of information. suppose we have a file on our computer that contains details about a specific thing like a customer’s name, address and phone number. In Elasticsearch, this file would be called a document. It is a way to store and organize information so that we can easily find and retrieve it later.
  • Query: In Elasticsearch a query is like asking a question to find specific information. We can use a query in Elasticsearch to find documents that match certain criteria. For example, we could ask Elasticsearch to find all products with a price less than $50 or all customers who live in a certain city.
  • Mapping: Mapping as the instruction manual for Elasticsearch. It tells Elasticsearch how to understand and organize the data within each document. It specifies things like what type of data each field contains (like text, numbers, dates), and how it should be stored and searched.

Interacting with Elasticsearch via REST API

Elasticsearch is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data, offering a RESTful API that allows developers to interact with it using simple HTTP requests.

This API is built on the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) making it accessible and intuitive for developers of all levels of expertise. In this article, We will learn about the How to Interacting with Elasticsearch via REST API with the help of examples in detail.

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Overall, the Elasticsearch REST API provides a straightforward and effective means of interacting with Elasticsearch and allowing developers to manage data with ease. By understanding the fundamental concepts of indexes, documents, queries, and mappings, developers can take help from the full potential of Elasticsearch for their projects. With examples defining common operations like indexing, searching, updating, and deleting documents, this guide has provided a solid foundation for working with Elasticsearch’s REST API...

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