Basic Commands for Vi Text Buffers

Copy (yank) text into a buffer:

To copy text, use the y command followed by the movement command specifying the text range. For example, to copy three lines, use 3yy. To copy text from the cursor to the end of a line, use y$.

# Sample text
echo "Line 1
Line 2
Line 3" > example.txt # Open file in vi vi example.txt

Inside the vi editor:

# Copy three lines using 3yy
# Copy from cursor to the end of the line using y$

Cut (delete) text into a buffer:

Cutting text is similar to copying, but you use the `d` command instead.

# Open the same file in vi
vi example.txt

Inside the vi editor:

# Cut two lines using 2dd

# Cut from cursor to the beginning of the line using d0

Paste text from a buffer:

To paste text from a buffer, use the `p` command. If you want to paste before the cursor, use `P`.

# Open the same file in vi
vi example.txt

Inside the vi editor:

# Move to the desired position and paste after the cursor using p

# Move to another position and paste before the cursor using P

Viewing the contents of a buffer:

To view the contents of a buffer, prefix the buffer letter with a double quote.

For example, `“a` will display the contents of buffer ‘a‘.

# Open the same file in vi
vi example.txt

Inside the vi editor:

# Display the contents of buffer 'a'

Linux vi Text buffers

In the world of editing text on Linux, there’s a super useful tool called the vi editor. It’s like a superhero for editing because it’s powerful and gets the job done efficiently. Now, within vi, there’s something called text buffers, which are like magical containers for your text. They help you do cool things like copy, cut, and paste text without any fuss.

Think of text buffers as temporary storage spaces where you can put your text for a bit while you work on other parts of your document. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at these text buffers in vi. We’ll learn how to use them, and what special commands they have, and we’ll even try out some real examples to see how they make editing easier. Even if you’re just starting with vi and feel like it’s a bit mysterious, don’t worry! We’re here to uncover the secrets of text buffers together. By the end, you’ll not only understand what text buffers are but also know how to use them to make your text editing on Linux a breeze. So, get ready to explore this cool feature of vi and level up your text-editing skills!

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In this article we discussed how to mastering the use of text buffers in the vi editor is essential for unlocking the full potential of this powerful and efficient text editing tool on Linux. The ability to copy, cut, paste, and view text seamlessly using vi’s text buffers provides a robust set of tools for users navigating the command line. With 26 named buffers available, ranging from ‘a’ to ‘z,’ vi allows for versatile text manipulation, whether it’s copying entire lines or individual characters. The provided examples and explanations illustrate practical scenarios, from simple copy-paste operations to more advanced techniques involving multiple buffers. By incorporating these commands into your text editing workflow, you can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness when working with vi on the Linux command line....

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