Banawali – Indus Valley Civilisation Artefacts

The archaeological site of Banawali, associated with the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), has yielded a variety of artifacts that provide valuable insights into the material culture, craftsmanship, and daily life of the ancient inhabitants. Some of the notable artifacts discovered at Banawali include:

  1. Seals and Seal Impressions
    • Steatite seals with intricate carvings and inscriptions in the Indus script have been found at Banawali.
    • These seals often depict animals, mythical creatures, and occasionally human figures. They were likely used for various administrative and trade-related purposes.
  2. Terracotta Figurines
    • Banawali has produced a range of terracotta figurines representing both human and animal forms.
    • These figurines provide glimpses into the artistic and cultural aspects of the society, offering insights into clothing, hairstyles, and possible religious or ritual practices.
  3. Pottery
    • Various types of pottery, including jars, bowls, and other vessels, have been unearthed at Banawali.
    • The pottery exhibits a high level of craftsmanship and often features decorative motifs and intricate designs.
  4. Metal Artifacts
    • Banawali has yielded metal objects made from copper and bronze, suggesting the presence of metallurgical activities.
    • Metal artifacts include tools, ornaments, and possibly ritual objects, showcasing the advanced metallurgical skills of the Indus Valley people.
  5. Copper Tools
    • Tools made of copper, such as knives and needles, have been discovered at the site.
    • These tools highlight the technological advancements in metalworking during the Indus Valley Civilization.

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