Backend Languages: Which Backend Language Has The Most Jobs?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of popular backend languages, let’s delve into choosing the right one for your needs. We’ll explore factors to consider and shed light on the most in-demand languages in the job market.

1. Javascript

Undoubtedly, Javascript has earned its reputation as one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world of web development. Although traditionally used as a front-end development language to make interactive and unique web pages, the emergence of Node.js changed the cards, slowly making it a very widely used backend programming language as well. This duality allows flexibility to the web developer and reduces hurdles of using different coding languages, streamlining the learning process.

Some of the key features include:

Some of the most popular companies using Javascript are: Google, Oracle, etc.

Payscale: The average salary for a Javacript Developer is Rs. 6,71,341 per year, with a pay ranging from Rs. 4,30,780 to Rs. 22,98,750.

2. Python

Renowned for its versatility and simplicity, Python is no doubt one of the most popular coding languages of this tech era. It’s usually a go-to programming language for developers when it comes to developing server-side tasks for web applications.

Some of the key features include:

  • The limit to the codes and clean syntax make it an ideal language for beginners in the field.
  • Furthermore, Python’s aptitude for machine learning and data analytics opens new doors to a wide range of complex back-end tasks.
  • Its adaptability allows seamless integration with various databases- both SQL and NoSQL– supporting a broad array of applications.
  • The ability of Python to interact with various frameworks like Django, Flask, etc. transforms the code into a meaningful, user-focused web application.

Some of the companies using Python are: w3wiki Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a Python developer is Rs. 5,99,000 per year with pay ranging from Rs. 3,73,500 to Rs. 13,36,397.

3. Java

For many years, Java has been a very attractive option for its niche: large-scale enterprise apps. Its long-standing popularity can be attributed to its employment as a backend language for creating Android applications. It is superior to other backend languages because of its platform-independent “write once, run anywhere(WORA)” philosophy, which is made possible by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Some of the key features include:

  • This robust language ensures rigorous checking, making it a very reliable and stable source of applications.
  • Java also bridges the gap between older software applications that may not have modern APIs but are still integral to a business, and java based applications.
  • Java also has a wide display of pre-built frameworks like Hibernate, JavaServer Faces (JSF), and Vaadin that expedite the process of development.

Some of the companies using Java are: AliExpress, LinkedIn, Mayoclinic etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a Java developer is Rs. 5,65,000 per year with pay ranging from Rs. 3,85,500 to Rs. 11,36,397

4. PHP

Abbreviated as Hypertext Preprocessor, it is a veteran backend programming language with the daily rise in usage and popularity. In comparison to other programming languages, PHP possesses a rather simple and readable syntax, cutting down on the time to write codes and making beginners opt for it.

Some of the key features include:

  • PHP is a cost-effective choice for budget-conscious projects due to it being free and open source. It is also supported by a large number of free and reasonably priced web hosting companies.
  • Moreover, PHP boasts a robust ecosystem of frameworks like Symfony, CodeIgniter, and Laravel, which speed up development and encourage code reuse by offering pre-built features, structures, and functionalities.
  • PHP is a good choice for e-commerce applications and building online stores due to its extensive frameworks including Magento and WooCommerce.

Some of the companies using PHP are: Tumblr, Etsy, Facebook etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a PHP developer is Rs. 4,27,000 per year with pay ranging from Rs. 144,500 to Rs. 7,40,007

5. Ruby

For those who value programmer productivity, developer efficiency, code readability, etc. Ruby provides an all-around compelling feature set for back-end development. Ruby is an object-oriented programming language that promotes code reusability, making this paradigm a rich source for any application development project.

Some key features include:

  • It supports procedural as well as functional programming, which makes it suitable for various other types of programming tasks.
  • Two of the reasons Ruby code is so popular are Metaprogramming and Ruby on Rails( RoR). Ruby supports metaprogramming, the ability to write codes that manipulate other code, enabling the writers to code concisely.
  • RoR offers a strong base in order to facilitate application creation and encourage rapid development and code use. Apart from Rails, frameworks like Sinatra and Hanami provide a different strategy for backend web development.

Some of the companies using Ruby on Rails are: Souncloud, Twitter ( X), GitHub etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a Ruby on Rails developer is Rs. 6.3 lakhs per year with pay ranging from Rs. 8,32,500 to Rs. 14,00,00.

6. Golang

Also called Go, it has been reported by Stack Overflow as among the most beloved and used backend programming languages. Developed by Google, it’s still in the process of gaining momentum known for its performance and efficiency. If a developer has building web services, microservices, or APIs in mind, then Go is the best and optimal option.

Some of the key features include:

  • Golang owns a concise syntax similar to that of the C language and is statically typed, meaning variable types are mentioned explicitly. This makes it efficient to error check and overall boasts robustness and functioning.
  • Another key feature of Go is its inbuilt toolset for various tasks like testing, profiling, and garbage collection, which provides autonomic memory management.
  • Frameworks of Golang include Gin and Echo ( for simple APIs) and Gonic ( for complex web applications).

Some of the companies using Golang are: Twitch, Google, Docker etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a Golang developer is Rs. 8,68,750 per year with pay ranging from Rs.12,50,000 to Rs.35,00,000.

7. C#

C# is unquestionably a formidable competitor, especially since it was developed by Microsoft’s .NET framework as a flagship language with its extensive tool and library ecosystem. Apart from backend development, C# is used for expertise in game development, cloud deployment, and database access as well.

Some of the key features include:

  • C# is a very efficient and smooth-running language that is capable of handling complex and tough tasks providing an overall good performance. C# code is translated into machine code via Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation for faster execution.
  • Visual Studio, a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft, supports C# development, including features like integration with other Microsoft development tools that blur and ease the development procedure.
  • Popular C# frameworks built on top of the .NET framework are Xamarin, ASP.NET core, and Entity Framework.

Some of the companies using C# are: Stack Overflow, Udemy, Ticketmaster etc.

Payscale: The average salary of a C# developer is Rs. 6,19,000 per year with pay ranging from Rs. 2,22,000 to Rs.10,00,000.

Backend Languages: Which Backend Language Has The Most Jobs

The internet has become an integral part of our lives undoubtedly and has become a major source of influence in all aspects of life. All the content we consume every day isn’t random but carefully curated based on our interests and likes and the pattern of our social media usage. The display of relevant information on the internet is solely due to the functioning of backend applications, developed by coding with backend languages.

They play an invisible but crucial role in the seamless online social experience. This brings up the discussion amongst web developers, both rookie and experienced, about which backend language is the most in-demand and popular for the job market.

Table of Content

  • What Are Backend Languages?
  • Backend Languages: Which Backend Language Has The Most Jobs?
    • 1. Javascript
    • 2. Python
    • 3. Java
    • 4. PHP
    • 5. Ruby
    • 6. Golang
    • 7. C#
  • Choosing Backend Language

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