AWS Command Line Interface(AWS CLI)

AWS provides a set of commands that can be run on AWS-CLI (AWS Command Line Interface) to manage your services. Much like you’d manage from your AWS Console. Following is a list of commands that can be used for managing the AWS ECS service.

  • create-capacity-provider:  Used to create a new capacity provider. Capacity providers comprise a name, an Auto Scaling group along with termination and scaling settings.
  • create-cluster: Creates a new AWS ECS Cluster.
  • create-service: Runs and maintains a desired number of tasks as specified by the given task definition.
  • create-task-set: Create a the task-set in AWS ECS cluster or a Service.
  • delete-account-setting: Disables an account setting for an IAM user, role, the or the root user of the account.
  • delete-attributes: Deletes one or more custom attributeof thehe a ECS cluster.
  • delete-cluster: Deletes an entire specified cluster.
  • delete-service: Deletes the specified service.
  • delete-task-set: Deletes the specified task-set.
  • deploy: Deploys new task definition to the specified ECS service.
  • deregister-container-instance: Deregisters the specified container instance from its ECS cluster.
  • deregister-task-definition: Deregisters a task definition from ECS Service.
  • describe-capacity-providers: Describes one or more capacity providers.
  • describe-clusters: Describes one or more of ECS Clusters.
  • describe-container-instances: Describes ECS container instances. Gives metadata about remaining resources on each of these instances.
  • describe-services: Describes Services runningin aa resources specified cluster.
  • describe-task-definition: Describe task definition.
  • describe-task-sets: Describes task sets of the specified ECS service or cluster.
  • describe-tasks: Describes specified task(s).
  • discover-poll-endpoint: Gives endpoint of AWS ECS agent to poll for updates.
  • list-account-settings: Gives account settings for the specified principal.
  • list-attributes: List attributes for specified ECSresourcesa e.
  • list-clusters: Gives a list of existing clusters.
  • list-container-instances: Gives a list of container instances in a a specified cluster.
  • list-services: Gives a list of services runningina the resources specified cluster.
  • list-tags-for-resource: Gives tags associated with specifiedresourcestask-definitione.
  • list-task-definition-families: List all the task-definition, families registered to your account.
  • list-task-definitions: List task definitions registered to your account.
  • list-tasks: Gives tasks running in the specified cluster.
  • put-account-setting: attributesattributes,attributes resources or the root user.
  • put-account-setting-default: Used to modify an account setting for all IAM users on an account for whom no individual account setting has been specified.
  • put-attributes: Create/Update attributes resourcesresources for specified ECS resources.
  • put-cluster-capacity-providers: Modify capacity providers for a cluster.
  • register-container-instance: Registers container instances into the specified cluster.
  • register-task-definition: Registers task definition from the specified family and container definitions.
  • run-task: Starts a new task from a task definition.
  • start-task: Starts a new task from the task definition on the specified container instance or instances.
  • stop-task:  Stop specified task. (Note that any tags associated with the task are deleted.)
  • submit-attachment-state-changes: Sent to acknowledge that a container changed states.
  • submit-container-state-change: Sent to acknowledge that an attachment changed states.
  • submit-task-state-change: Sent to acknowledge that a task changed states.
  • tag-resource:  Adds specified tags to the resource whose RN is supplied.
  • untag-resource: Removes specified tags from a resource.
  • update-cluster-settings: Modify the cluster settings.
  • update-container-agent: Updates the Amazon ECS container agent on a specified container instance.
  • update-container-instances-state: Modifies the status of an Amazon ECS container instance.
  • update-service: Modifies the parameters of a service.
  • update-service-primary-task-set: Modifies which task-set in service is the primary task-set. Any parameters that are updated on the primary task set in a service will transition to the service.
  • update-task-set: Modifies a task set.
  • wait: Wait until a particular condition is satisfied. Each sub-command polls an API until the listed requirement is met.

Introduction to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), also known as Amazon EC2 Container Service, is a managed service that allows users to run Docker-based applications packaged as containers across a cluster of EC2 instances. Running simple containers on a single EC2 instance is simple but running these applications on a cluster of instances and managing the cluster is being administratively heavy process. With ECS, Fargate launch type, the load, and responsibility of managing the EC2 cluster is transferred over to the AWS and you can focus on application development rather than management of your cluster architecture.AWS  Fargate is the AWS service that allows ECS to run containers without having to manage and provision the resources required for running these applications.

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AWS Command Line Interface(AWS CLI)

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