attr() Function

attr() will return specific data, but this function needs precise information about the data.

attr(x = data, which = “attribute_name”)


  • x: object whose attributes to be accessed. 
  • which: string specifying the attribute to be accessed.

Example: Implementing attr() function  


# R program to illustrate
# attr() function
# Load info set that you want to work on
# Apply attr() function
attr(x = info, which = "names")                     


'Sepal.Length' 'Sepal.Width' 'Petal.Length' 'Petal.Width' 'Species'

Here in the above code, we have specified a particular parameter name, so only the values in names will be returned. attr() will return specific data, but attr() functions need a precise information about the data.

Getting attributes of Objects in R Language – attributes() and attr() Function

attribute() function in R Programming Language is used to get all the attributes of data. This function is also used to set new attributes to data.

Syntax: attributes(x)


  • x: object whose attributes to be accessed.

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attr() Function


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