Attacking Live Targets

Now we are done with the syntax and basic understanding, we can now test this attack on a live target.

Here for the demonstration purpose, we are performing our attack on a dummy website. The website is vulnerable to attacks like Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS), SQL Injection, Cross-site scripting (XSS), and other web-based attacks.

Step 1: Website Inspection

Now first head over to the website and try to inspect the element by opening the “Developer Console”. To open the developer console in Google Chrome, open the Chrome Menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser window and select More Tools > Developer Tools. You can also use Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux).


Developer Console

Step 2: Inspecting the Network tab

Move to the Network Tab to inspect the incoming files and information. If the tab does not show anything it means we have not POST any data yet.


Network Tab of Developer Console

Step 3: Obtaining POST Parameters

To obtain the post-form parameters, type the username and or password in the login form whatever you like, and then click “Login”. You will notice a new POST method on the network tab on the developer console.


POST Parameters in Network Tab

Now double-click on the incoming document file “Login.asp” and then click on “Payload”. You will then see a new tab coming out with the header and payload of the incoming packet.


Checking Payload Section

Now click on the “Form Data” to get the required POST Parameters.


POST Parameters

The string “tfUName=The+Heroic&tfUPass=KaaL-EL” is the required post parameter. Now we will just have to replace the username and password that we have entered with admin and ^PASS^ respectively. This will tell Hydra to enter the words from our list in this position of the request. So our modified request that we will place into the Hydra command looks like this:


Step 4: Getting the Failure String

Try to take note of what happens when incorrect credentials are entered in the form box. On the login page, it says “Invalid login!” here. So, the desired failure string is this one.


Login Page : Failure String

We can now attack this live target because we have all the information we need. But first, a quick review:

  • -l: admin
  • -P: Password file path in our system
  • <target>:
  • <service_module>: http-post-form
  • <login_url>: /Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F
  • <post_data>: tfUName=admin&tfUPass=^PASS^
  • <failure_string>: Invalid login

Now combine each of the necessary parameters into a single command. Here’s the syntax that we’re going to get:

hydra -l admin -P <password_file_path> http-post-form “/Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F:tfUName=admin&tfUPass=^PASS^:Invalid login!” -vV -f

  • v: Verbose mode
  • V: It will show the username and password combination for each attempt.
  • f: Terminate the program if a valid pair is found

Step 5: Fire up the Hydra

Type the command given above hit Enter and let Hydra try to break the password for us. Because it is a dictionary-based attack, it will take time. When it finds the right login and password combination, it will stop all subsequent login attempts and display the correct credential it has discovered.


Cracking the password

Once the Hydra tool brute forces the correct username and password for the target domain. The execution will get stopped and the cracked username and password will be shown in the terminal itself. In the below screenshot, we can see that we have created the target login page and got the login details of the domain.


Password Cracked

Although Hydra is capable of so much more, in this article we only learned how to use it to brute force web-based login, specifically the http-post-form protocol. Additionally, hydra can be used with other protocols like SSH, FTP, Telnet, VNC, proxy, etc.

Crack Web Based Login Page With Hydra in Kali Linux

Hydra is one of the most powerful open-source password-cracking programs available in Kali Linux. One of the most popular and open-source tools among hackers and penetration testers, it is used for dictionary attacks and brute-forcing. It can brute-force by sending multiple login requests very rapidly to a variety of network protocols, services, websites, and web applications. It can support more than 50 network protocols and services like Telnet, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, RDP, SMTP, FTP, etc.

It sends a new log-in request with a different username and password each time until it discovers a working combination. It comes pre-installed, whether you’re using Parrot or Kali Linux as your pen-testing OS. This tool is also available for Windows and MacOS.


hydra -l <username> -P <password_list> <Target Hostname> <protocol> <options>
  • -l: Specify the username of the target.
  • -P: The password file or rainbow table containing the potential password.
  • <Target Hostname>: Specify the target host or IP address.
  • <protocol>: Protocol or service you want to attack.

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Attacking Live Targets

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It is unethical and illegal to use Hydra to try to break into a web-based login system or any other system without the proper authorization. It’s a breach of privacy and computer security, and it may result in serious repercussions like legal action and criminal charges. It’s important to alert the appropriate authorities or the system owner if you have any worries or suspicions about the security of a login page or a system. Security can be increased through ethical and responsible disclosure without breaking the law or moral obligation....

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