Atomic Spectroscopy

The study of the electromagnetic radiation received or emitted by atoms is known as atomic spectroscopy. There are three different forms of atomic spectroscopy:

  1. The transfer of energy from the ground state to an excited state is the subject of atomic emission spectroscopy. Atomic emission can explain the electronic transition.
  2. Atomic absorption spectroscopy: For absorption to occur, the lower and higher energy levels must have equivalent energy differences. The notion that free electrons created in an atomizer can absorb radiation at a given frequency is used in the atomic absorption spectroscopy principle. The absorption of ground-state atoms in the gaseous state is measured.
  3. Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy combines atomic emission and atomic absorption since it uses both excitation and de-excitation radiation.

Uses of Atomic Spectroscopy

  • It is used to identify the spectral lines of metallurgical materials.
  • It is utilised in the pharmaceutical industry to detect traces of materials that have been used.
  • It can be used to investigate elements with multiple dimensions.

Atomic Spectra

Atomic Spectra is the spectrum of radiation of electromagnetic waves produced due to the transition of an electron from one energy level to another level within an atom. Atoms have an equal number of negative and positive charges. Atoms were described as spherical clouds of positive charges with embedded electrons in Thomson’s concept. In Rutherford’s model, one tiny nucleus carries the majority of the atom’s mass, as well as its positive charges, and the electrons orbit it.

Every element’s atoms have their own unique spectra and are stable. The spectrum is made up of line spectrums, which are parallel lines that are isolated. In this article, we will learn atomic spectra, its definition, and more in detail.

Table of Content

  • Postulates of Bohr Atomic Model
  • What is Atomic Spectra?
  • Atomic Spectroscopy
  • Spectral Series

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