
Before conducting the two-sample t-test using Python let us discuss the assumptions of this parametric test. Basically, there are three assumptions that we can make regarding the data groups:

  • Whether the two samples data groups are independent.
  • Whether the data elements in respective groups follow any normal distribution.
  • Whether the given two samples have similar variances. This assumption is also known as the homogeneity assumption.

Note that even if our data groups don’t follow the three assumptions discussed above. This is because there is an alternate test present if our data do not fall in the normal distribution or we can transform the dependent data group using different techniques like square root, log, etc

How to Conduct a Two Sample T-Test in Python

In this article, we are going to see how to conduct a two-sample T-test in Python.

This test has another name as the independent samples t-test. It is basically used to check whether the unknown population means of given pair of groups are equal. tt allows one to test the null hypothesis that the means of two groups are equal

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