
It contains independent content which doesn’t require any other context blog Post, Newspaper Article, etc.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Article Tag</title>
        h1 {
        p {

        <p>A Computer Science Portal for Geeks</p>



HTML5 Semantics

HTML5 Semantics refers to the use of specific tags like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, etc., to provide clearer structure and meaning to web content. This improves accessibility, and SEO, and facilitates better understanding by both humans and machines.

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Why Do I Need to Use Semantic HTML Tags?

Using semantic HTML tags enhances website accessibility, improves search engine optimization (SEO), and provides clearer structure and meaning to content. This fosters better understanding by both users and machines, leading to improved usability and user experience....

HTML tags are classified into two types.


Semantic Elements:

Semantic elements have meaningful names that tell about the type of content. For example header, footer, table, … etc. HTML5 introduces many semantic elements as mentioned below which make the code easier to write and understand for the developer as well as instruct the browser on how to treat them....


It contains independent content which doesn’t require any other context blog Post, Newspaper Article, etc....


It is used to place content in a sidebar i.e. aside from the existing content. It is related to surrounding content....

Details and Summary:

“details” defines additional details that the user can hide or view. “summary” defines a visible heading for a “details” element....

Figure and Figcaption:

These are used to add an image to a web page with a small description....


As the name suggests, it is for the header of a section introductory of a page. There can be multiple headers on a page....


Footer located at the bottom of any article or document, they can contain contact details, copyright information etc. There can be multiple footers on a page....


It defines the main content of the document. The content inside the main tag should be unique....


A page can be split into sections like Introduction, Contact Information, Details, etc and each of these sections can be in a different section tag....


It is used to define a set of navigation links in the form of a navigation bar or nav menu....


It is used to highlight the text....

Non-Semantic Elements:

Tags like div, and span fall under the Non-Semantic categories as their names don’t tell anything about what kind of content is present inside them....

Supported Browsers:

Google Chrome 1Edge 12Mozilla 1 Opera 15Safari 4...

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