Approach to Create Restaurant Reservation System

The website has the following features:

  • Authenticate & Authorization: Separate admin and customer register and login. Only admins can create restaurant details and view reservations at their restaurant and only customers can make reservations and view reservations made by them.
  • Admin Side: The admin serves the purpose of creating and viewing their restaurant and monitoring the reservations made at their restaurant.
  • Search of Restaurants: The customers are at the front of the business and they can search their favorite restaurants with the help of names or locations.
  • Restaurant Page: On clicking a restaurant, customers can view details like name, location on map, images, rating etc and make reservations.
  • Reservations: Customers can make reservations based on availability of slots on particular days and also add number of people. Once a slot is booked for a particular day, it cannot be booked by anyone again, unless cancelled.
  • Cancel: Customers can cancel reservations made by them.
  • Interactive Maps: The website also houses a map on search page depicting the restaurants and on respective restaurant page a map showing the location. This is an additional feature made to make the website interactive, it can be skipped if not necessary.
  • Security: Helmet is used in the backend to protect from database injections. Bcryptjs is used to encrypt and decrypt user password and then send it to the database.

Restaurant Reservation System using MERN Stack

Restaurant reservation system that helps people book tables at restaurants they like. It’s built using React, Node.js, Express, and the MERN stack, along with Sass for styling. Users can search for restaurants based on their preferences, see details like location, description, price range, and contact info, and then pick a date, time, and number of people for their reservation. MongoDB stores all the important information about restaurants, reservations, and users. React makes the system easy to use with its dynamic and interactive features.

Project Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

Preview of final output

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