Approach to create Menu Component

  • Component Setup:
    • App.js uses Material-UI components to create a simple menu UI in React.
    • State is managed using the useState hook, to track the anchor element for menu positioning.
  • Event Handling:
    • Two functions, handleClick and handleClose, are defined to manage the opening and closing of the menu.
    • handleClick sets the anchor element based on the click event, and handleClose resets the anchor element to null, closing the menu.
  • Rendering and Interaction:
    • The component renders a button labeled “Open Menu List,” and clicking this button opens the menu.
    • The menu contains some items such as “My Account,” “Settings,” “Profile,” and “Logout.” Selecting an item calls the handleClose function, closing the menu.

How to create Menu Item Component in ReactJS ?

React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It provides a component-based architecture that allows developers to create reusable UI elements. Material UI for React has this component available for us and it is very easy to integrate. We can use Menu Component in ReactJS using the following approach.

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Approach to create Menu Component:

Component Setup: App.js uses Material-UI components to create a simple menu UI in React. State is managed using the useState hook, to track the anchor element for menu positioning. Event Handling: Two functions, handleClick and handleClose, are defined to manage the opening and closing of the menu. handleClick sets the anchor element based on the click event, and handleClose resets the anchor element to null, closing the menu. Rendering and Interaction: The component renders a button labeled “Open Menu List,” and clicking this button opens the menu. The menu contains some items such as “My Account,” “Settings,” “Profile,” and “Logout.” Selecting an item calls the handleClose function, closing the menu....

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