Approach to create Event Management Web App

  • Define the structure of an event using Mongoose schemas in a model file (e.g., `Event.js`).
  • Develop routes for handling Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in a dedicated `eventRoutes.js` file.
  • Set up a MongoDB database and establish a connection in your Express application.
  • Create a server file (e.g., `server.js`) where Express is configured to listen on a specific port.
  • Design and implement a form inside our app component (`app.component.ts`) for adding new events.
  • Display all events using ngFor directive inside a card to display a list of events fetched from the server.
  • Style your components for an engaging user interface. We will be utilizing Tailwind CSS .

Event Management Web App using MEAN

In this guide, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of building a feature-rich Event Management Web App. We will make use of the MEAN stack, i.e. MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS, to build this project.

Project Preview:

Final Output of Event Management App

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Approach to create Event Management Web App

Define the structure of an event using Mongoose schemas in a model file (e.g., `Event.js`).Develop routes for handling Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in a dedicated `eventRoutes.js` file.Set up a MongoDB database and establish a connection in your Express application.Create a server file (e.g., `server.js`) where Express is configured to listen on a specific port.Design and implement a form inside our app component (`app.component.ts`) for adding new events.Display all events using ngFor directive inside a card to display a list of events fetched from the server.Style your components for an engaging user interface. We will be utilizing Tailwind CSS ....

Steps to Create Application:

Step 1: Creating express app using the following command:...

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