Approach to create AI Whatsapp Bot

  • If your ever used Whatsapp Web in your browser you can easily understood that we are just going to create one without any frontend.
  • We will create a simple node server, which send receive messages from whatsapp web and reply with Gemini AI.
  • To authenticate, we will use our whatsapp for scanning the QR code.
  • To create AI response we will be using Gemini API, we send prompt to API and it will generate response that we need to send back to user.

AI Whatsapp Bot using NodeJS, Whatsapp-WebJS And Gemini AI

This WhatsApp bot is powered by Gemini AI API, where you can chat with this AI bot and get the desired result from the Gemini AI model. This bot can be used in groups or personal chats and only needs to be authenticated using the mobile WhatsApp app.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

AI Bot , responding by .bot command

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Node JS Whatsapp-web.js Gemini API KEY...

Approach to create AI Whatsapp Bot

If your ever used Whatsapp Web in your browser you can easily understood that we are just going to create one without any frontend. We will create a simple node server, which send receive messages from whatsapp web and reply with Gemini AI. To authenticate, we will use our whatsapp for scanning the QR code. To create AI response we will be using Gemini API, we send prompt to API and it will generate response that we need to send back to user....

Steps To Create The Project

Step 1: Creating Node App with the following command....

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