Approach to Create a Sortable Drag and Drop

We’ll use Vite for setting up our React project quickly and efficiently. The main functionalities of our sortable drag-and-drop project include:

  • Creating a list of items that users can reorder by dragging and dropping.
  • Implementing drag-and-drop functionality using the react-dnd library.
  • Styling the interface with Tailwind CSS for a simple and modern look.

Sortable Drag and Drop with React and Tailwind CSS

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a sortable drag-and-drop feature in a React application using Vite for quick and efficient development, along with Tailwind CSS for styling. This feature allows users to reorder items in a list by dragging and dropping them, enhancing the user experience of your web application.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

Preview of Sortable Drag and Drop with React and Tailwind CSS

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Approach to Create a Sortable Drag and Drop

We’ll use Vite for setting up our React project quickly and efficiently. The main functionalities of our sortable drag-and-drop project include:...

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