Approach to Create a Document Management System

1. Server-Side (NodeJS with ExpressJS):

The server initializes an Express application, uses CORS for cross-origin resource sharing, and defines a basic API endpoint (/dms) to retrieve document data. Document data is stored as a static array for demonstration purposes.

2. Client-Side (React):

The React application, on the client-side, fetches document data from the NodeJS server using Axios. It provides options to view existing documents, add new documents, and filter documents by the creator’s username. Documents can be deleted, and new documents can be added with a form.

Document Management System with React and Express.js

This project is a Document Management System (DMS) developed with a combination of NodeJS, ExpressJS for the server side and React for the client side. The system allows users to view, add, and filter documents. The server provides a basic API to retrieve document data, while the React application offers an intuitive user interface for interacting with the system.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

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