How to useucwords() and strtr() Functions in PHP

This approach uses strtr() functions to replace underscores with spaces, then use ucwords() to capitalize each word, and finally str_replace() to remove spaces.


function camelCase($string) {
    $string = ucwords(
        ['_' => ' ', '-' => ' '])
    $string = str_replace(' ', '', $string);
    return $string;

// Driver Code
$str = 'welcome to geeks for geeks';
$camelCase = camelCase($str);
echo $camelCase;




  • strtr is used to replace underscores and hyphens with spaces.
  • Finally, we remove spaces and lowercase the first letter of the resulting string.

How to Convert String to Camelcase in PHP?

Given a String containing spaces, the task is to Convert String to Camelcase in PHP. Converting a string to CamelCase is a common operation in PHP, especially when working with variable names or class names. CamelCase is a naming convention where the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized except for the initial word. In this article, we will cover all possible approaches to convert a string to CamelCase in PHP.

Table of Content

  • Using ucwords() and str_replace() Functions
  • Using preg_replace_callback() Function
  • Using ucwords() and strtr() Functions

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