Approach 2 : Aggregation using Arrays

  • Create an object that contains an array property to hold aggregated items.
  • Perform operations like adding, removing, or manipulating items within the array.
  • Aggregation starts with collecting data from various sources, such as user input, databases, or external files.
  • Typically, store the collected data in an array data structure capable of holding multiple values of the same type.
  • Arrays provide a way to represent a collection of related data items.
  • Each item in the array is stored at a specific index, allows easy access and manipulation of individual elements.
  • Arrays are often used to group and classify data, allowing effective organization, such as storing scores of students in a class.

Example: In this example, player objects are created using a constructor function, and a team object is formed to aggregate these players. The team object includes methods to add, remove, and display players. Additional players are added, the team is displayed, a player is removed, and the updated team is displayed.


function Players(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;
// Create Player objects
const player1 = new Players("Kumar", 31);
const player2 = new Players("Bob", 29);
const team = {
    name: "Red Team",
    players: [player1, player2],
    addPlayer: function (player) {
    removePlayer: function (playerName) {
        const indexToRemove =
            this.players.findIndex(player => === playerName);
        if (indexToRemove !== -1) {
            this.players.splice(indexToRemove, 1);
    displayTeam: function () {
        console.log(`Team: ${}`);
        this.players.forEach((player, index) => {
            `${index + 1}. Name: ${}, Age: ${player.age}`);
// Add more players to the team
const player3 = new Players("Raj", 32);
// Display the team and its players
// Display the updated team


Team: Red Team
1. Name: Kumar, Age: 31
2. Name: Bob, Age: 29
3. Name: Raj, Age: 32
Team: Red Team
1. Name: Kumar, Age: 31
2. Name: Raj, Age: 32

Aggregation in JavaScript

Aggregation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that facilitates the creation of complex objects by combining simpler ones. It establishes a “has-a” relationship between objects, where one object contains references to other objects as its components. This relationship enhances code reusability and modularity in JavaScript applications.

Table of Content

  • Aggregation using Object Properties
  • Aggregation using Arrays

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Approach 2 : Aggregation using Arrays


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