Applying ANCOVA function

Example: A tutor wants to know if three distinct teaching and learning methodologies have an adverse effect on test scores, but she also wants to account for the student’s current grade in the class. She’ll run an ANCOVA with the following variables:

  • Learning methodologies is a Factor Variable.
  • Current grade is a Covariate.
  • Test score is a Response variable.

How to Perform an ANCOVA in Python

ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) is used to identify the statistical difference between means of 2 or more independent groups after controlling one or more explanatory variables (Covariates). Variables that influence a response variable but are irrelevant to the study are known as covariates.

  1. The independent variable or a predictor variable that explains the variation in the response variable (output variable) is known as Explanatory Variable.
  2. The dependent variable or an outcome variable that responds to the changes in the explanatory variable is known as Response Variable.

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