Applications of Viscosity

Knowledge of the viscosity of various liquids and gases has been put to use in daily life. Some applications of its knowledge are discussed as under:

  • The coefficient of viscosity of organic liquids is used to calculate their molecular weights.
  • Knowing the coefficient of viscosity and how it varies with temperature allows us to select the best lubricant for each machine. Thin oils with low viscosity (for example, lubricating oil used in clocks) are utilized in light machinery. Highly viscous oils (for example, grease) are employed in heavy machinery. Viscosity is the most important quality of lubricating oils in lubrication, and it is also highly important in greases, which is frequently overlooked. The resistance to movement is defined as viscosity. Water has a low viscosity because it flows quickly, but honey has a high viscosity. 
  • The viscosity of a few drugs, such as the numerous solutions used to eradicate moles, has also been reduced to make application simpler. To coat the throat, drug firms provide treatments with a high viscosity yet are still drinkable, such as cough syrup. 
  • The viscosity of paints, varnishes, and other home items is tightly controlled so that they may be applied smoothly and uniformly with a brush roller.
  • Viscosity is an important factor in food preparation and serving. Cooking oils’ viscosity may or may not vary as they heat, but many become considerably more viscous when they cool. When fats are cold, they become solid because they are viscous when heated.
  • To function properly, manufacturing equipment needs the use of appropriate lubricant. Too viscous lubricants can block and block pipes. Lubricants that are excessively thin provide insufficient protection for moving components.
  • Coating viscosity is one of the important characteristics that determine the success of the coating technique. Because the uniformity and repeatability of the coating operation are frequently connected to the viscosity of the coating, it is an important parameter to regulate.

What is Viscosity?

Viscosity is the measurement of the resistance of the flowing liquid. Let us learn more about viscosity with an example suppose we take two bowls, one bowl contains water and the other has honey in it, we drop the content of both bowls then we see that water flows much faster than honey which concludes that honey is more viscous than water. 

Viscosity is the property of the liquids that prevents liquids from spreading. The force generated due to viscosity is called Viscous Force. Since this force is between the layers of liquids, it is also called internal friction. In this article, we will learn about viscosity its formula, measurement, and much more in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is the Meaning of Viscosity?
  • Viscosity Formula
  • Types of Viscosity
  • Measurement of Viscosity
  • Applications of Viscosity

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