Applications of Thresholding

Thresholding techniques are used in various applications, including:

  1. Document Image Analysis: Thresholding is widely used to binarize text in scanned documents, making it easier for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems to process the text.
  2. Medical Imaging: In medical imaging, thresholding is used to segment anatomical structures in MRI or CT scans, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning.
  3. Industrial Inspection: Thresholding is employed in industrial inspection systems to detect defects in manufactured products, ensuring quality control.
  4. Object Detection: In survillance footage or robotic vision systems, thresholding is used to identify and track objects, enhancing security and automation.

Image Thresholding Techniques in Computer Vision

Image thresholding is a technique in computer vision that converts a grayscale image into a binary image by setting each pixel to either black or white based on a specific threshold value. The article provides a comprehensive overview of various image thresholding techniques used in computer vision, detailing their processes, pros, cons, and applications.

Table of Content

  • What is Image Thresholding?
  • Thresholding Techniques in Computer Vision
    • 1. Simple Thresholding
    • 2. Adaptive Thresholding
    • 3. Otsu’s Thresholding
    • 4. Multilevel Thresholding
    • 5. Color Thresholding
    • 6. Local Thresholding
    • 7. Global Thresholding
    • 8. Iterative Thresholding
  • Applications of Thresholding
  • Conclusion

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Thresholding Techniques in Computer Vision

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