Applications of Text2Text Generation

1. Question Answering

Question answering involves extracting answers from a given context. Instead of using the dedicated question-answering pipeline, you can use the Text2Text generation pipeline as follows:

text2text("question: Which is the capital city of India? context: New Delhi is India's capital")


New Delhi

2. Translation

Translation converts text from one language to another. For example, translating from English to French:

text2text("translate English to French: New Delhi is India's capital")


New Delhi est la capitale de l'Inde

3. Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing generates a semantically identical sentence with different wording:

text2text = pipeline('text2text-generation', model="Vamsi/T5_Paraphrase_Paws")
text2text("paraphrase: This is something which I cannot understand at all.")


This is something that I can't understand at all

4. Summarization

Summarization condenses a long text into a shorter version:

text2text("summarize: Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data.")


natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science

5. Sentiment Classification

Classifying the sentiment of a text as positive or negative:

text2text("sst2 sentence: New Zealand is a beautiful country")



6. Sentiment Span Extraction

Extracting the phrase responsible for the sentiment in a text:

text2text("question: positive context: New Zealand is a beautiful country.")


a beautiful country

Text2Text Generations using HuggingFace Model

Text2Text generation is a versatile and powerful approach in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that involves transforming one piece of text into another. This can include tasks such as translation, summarization, question answering, and more. HuggingFace, a leading provider of NLP tools, offers a robust pipeline for Text2Text generation using its Transformers library. This article will delve into the functionalities, applications, and technical details of the Text2Text generation pipeline provided by HuggingFace.

Table of Content

  • Understanding Text2Text Generation
  • Setting Up the Text2Text Generation Pipeline
  • Applications of Text2Text Generation
    • 1. Question Answering
    • 2. Translation
    • 3. Paraphrasing
    • 4. Summarization
    • 5. Sentiment Classification
    • 6. Sentiment Span Extraction
  • Text Summarization with HuggingFace’s Transformers 
  • Technical Differences Between TextGeneration and Text2TextGeneration
  • Customizing Text Generation

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