Applications of Neuromorphic Design

Neuromorphic designs is capable of mimicking real world elements in digital world scenarios. This could increase user engagement by creating a feeling of familiarity in the user’s mind. There can be many uses of such designs in the design system. Such as:-

  • Cognitive User Interface: By using neuromorphic principles interface can be made in such a way that it instantly reorganize menu items on the basis of user’s frequently accessed features and preferences in a way similar to a brain prioritizing things.
  • Neuromorphic Iconography: Creating icons that have looks similar to elements present in real life and using colors that are more natural to he eyes. For example – a mail icon that looks similar to a letter in envelope. By seeing it brain instantly resembles it with a message.
  • NLP Interfaces: It is common to see neuromorphic design being used in Virtual assistants and chatbots to understand and respond to user’s input more naturally. They try to mimic human conversations and verbal cues.
  • Motion based Interfaces: In these type of interfaces system can be designed in such a way that interface reads the body language of the user and change the elements inside it accordingly. For example interfaces used inside a car screen which changes its menu items and sizes of icons according the priority of driver while driving and while the driver is in resting position.
  • Biometric based Interface: Neuromorphic authentication systems can use biometric data, such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition to provide a more secure and user-friendly login experience. Imagine you are sitting for a long duration which is not good for health. Sensing this data, interface of your wearables and mobiles notify you to move.

Neuromorphic Design – Blurring the Lines Between UI and Reality

In the era of UI/UX design, brands want to create a more comfortable and natural user experience. To do so they take inspiration from the environment and how a human interacts with it. Today many big brands and institutions are investing a huge amount of money just to understand the human brain and how it processes things around it. They are trying to bring real interactions into the digital world minimizing the gap between UI and reality. These types of research and approaches used have given birth to a new concept in UI design i.e. Neuromorphic Design – An approach that connects neural analysis of the brain (neuroscience) with design.

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Applications of Neuromorphic Design

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Cons of Neuromorphic Designs

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