Applications of CDMA and OFDM

Given below are the Applications of CDMA and OFDM

Applications of CDMA

  • CDMA is immune to noise, it is used in military purpose.
  • Used in digital telephone services.
  • CDMA used for Wireless communication systems.
  • Used in satellite systems.
  • For simultaneous transmission, CDMA is used to combine several data signals.

Applications of OFDM

  • Used in narrow band power line communications and broad band power line communications.
  • Used in Digital Audio Broadcasting and digital radio.
  • Used in Wired and wireless Data Transmission.
  • 4G (fourth Generation) and LTE (Long Term Evolution) Networks use OFDM.
  • Used in Digital Television and Video broadcasting.

Difference Between CDMA and OFDM

Modulation methods are designed to be efficient in transmitting as many bits per hertz as possible. Here the goal is in the given bandwidth these modulation methods have to transmit the data at the highest speed and should minimize the use of spectrum space. Other Modulation methods that use bandwidth greater than the information bandwidth are called wideband modulation techniques. The two widely used wideband Modulation methods are Direct Sequence spread spectrum (DSSS )and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM).CDMA and OFDM both are wide-band wireless communication systems.

Table of Content

  • CDMA
  • OFDM
  • Difference Between CDMA and OFDM
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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As the future technologies May lead the current technologies like CDMA , OFDM. There is no particular answer to select which one method is widely used in the communication systems. Based on the requirements of the technology at a particular place or time will decide the method of technology used for. CDMA, OFDM will play an important roles in communications systems. Making use of their Advantages and in specific application they serve a great purpose in the wired and wireless communication system....

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