aov() Function in R

It is a tool in statistics and in R language which is used to perform analysis of variance. It fits a linear model with our data and computes the analysis of the variance. Mostly it is used to test differences in mean values of continuous dependent variables.


aov(formula, data, subset, na.action)
  • formula: This parameter specifies the model to be fitted
  • data: This parameter is an optional data frame containing the variables in the model
  • subset: An optional parameter which is used to denote the subset of the observation.
  • na.action: Use to handle the missing values. It determines what to do if missing values are encountered.

Using aov() function for Analysis of Variance.

Let’s take an example and try to understand how are we going to use aov() for the analysis of variance.

Let’s say we have 3 different types of exercise available and we want to check if these 3 different programs helps in loosing the weight of a person differently. We can do it using one anova testing. Let’s say we recruit 90 people to participate in an experiment in which we randomly assign 30 people to follow either program A, program B, or program C for one month.

#make this example reproducible

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(program = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each=30),
                 weight_loss = c(runif(30, 0, 3),
                                 runif(30, 0, 5),
                                 runif(30, 1, 7)))

#fit one-way anova using aov()
fit <- aov(weight_loss ~ program, data=df)

#view results


            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
program 2 98.93 49.46 30.83 7.55e-11 ***
Residuals 87 139.57 1.60
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Df: The model’s degrees of freedom.

  • Sum Sq: The sums of squares, which represent the variability that the model is able to account for.
  • Mean Sq: The variance explained by each component is represented by the mean squares.
  • F-value: It is the measure used to compare the mean squares both within and between groups.
  • Pr(>F): The F-statistics p-value, which denotes the factors’ statistical significance.
  • Residuals: Relative deviations from the group mean, are often known as residuals and their summary statistics.

When to use aov() vs. anova() in R

In R Programming Language aov() stands for analysis of variance. It is used to analyze variance. Variance is a statistical technique to compare means among two or more groups. anova() function is used to perform analysis of variance calculation and hypothesis testing. Together both aov() and anova() are used to analyze variance tests in the R Programming Language.

Table of Content

  • aov() Function in R
    • Using aov() function for Analysis of Variance.
  • anova() Function in R
    • Implement anova() Function in R
  • Key Differences between aov() and anova()
    • When to Use aov() in R
    • When to Use anova() in R

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aov() Function in R

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In conclusion, both aov() and anova() functions in R serve important roles in conducting analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests, which are fundamental in statistical analysis. When considering which to use, it’s essential to understand the nuances and specific purposes of each. aov() is ideal for directly analyzing variance within a dataset, especially when examining differences in means across different groups or factors. It operates directly on formula-based models and is well-suited for basic ANOVA testing in simpler experimental designs....

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