
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) created character encoding supported 256 characters. It is used as the default character set in Microsoft Windows. 

HTML Charsets

HTML charsets define character encodings used by the document. The charset attribute within the <meta> tag specifies the character encoding for the HTML document, ensuring proper interpretation of text. Common values include UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1.

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The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ANSII) created this character encoding. This character encoding is used in C/C++ programming. It has 128 alphanumeric characters consisting of alphabets(A-Z) and (a-z) and some special symbols like + – * / ( ) @ etc....


American National Standards Institute (ANSI) created character encoding supported 256 characters. It is used as the default character set in Microsoft Windows....


It is used as the default character set of HTML4 and also supports 256 characters. The International Standards Organization (ISO) defines the standard character sets for different alphabets/languages. It contains numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters....


UTF-8 and UTF-16 standards was developed by Unicode Consortium, because the ISO-8859 character-sets are limited, and not compatible a multilingual environment. It consists all the character and punctuation symbols....

Character set for different Character Encoding Standard

Following list shows different character encoding standards with their characters and their assigned number codes....

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