Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body

Let’s assume that the object is made up of N particles with masses m1, m2,….mN and perpendicular distances r1, r2,….rN from the rotation axis. As the object rotates, all of these particles conduct UCM with the same angular speed ω but different line speeds v= r1ω, v= r2ω, … v= rNω.

Individual velocity directions, v1, v2, and so on, are along the tangents of their respective tracks. The initial particle’s linear momentum is p= m1v= m1r1ω. It travels in the same direction as v1

The magnitude of its angular momentum is consequently L= p1r= m1r12ω. Similarly, L= m2r22ω, L= m3r32ω, … L= mNrN2ω.

All of these angular momenta are directed along the axis of rotation for a rigid body with a fixed axis of rotation, which may be determined using the right-hand thumb rule. Their magnitudes may be summed algebraically because they all have the same direction. As a result, the magnitude of the body’s angular momentum is given by,

L = m1r12ω + m2r22ω +….+ mNrN2ω

∴ L = (m1r12 + m2r22 +…+ mNrN2)ω = Iω

Thus, the angular momentum of any rigid body is, L = Iω

Unit of Angular Momentum

  • SI unit of Angular Momentum is kg.m2/s. 
  • CGS unit of Angular Momentum is g.cm2/s.
  • Dimensional formula for Angular Momentum is, [ML2T-1].

Angular Momentum

Angular Momentum is a kinematic characteristic of a system with one or more point masses. Angular momentum is sometimes called Rotational Momentum or Moment of Momentum, which is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It is an important physical quantity as it is conserved for a closed system and follows the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. Angular Momentum is equal to the product of the moment of inertia (I), and the angular velocity (ω), of an object in rotational motion. Angular Momentum is a vector quantity. The SI unit of angular momentum is Kg.m2.s-1

Let’s understand more concepts about angular momentum like What is Angular Momentum? Angular Momentum Formula, Unit and Dimensional formula of Angular Momentum, Spin, and Orbital angular momentum, the relation between torque and angular momentum, Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, FAQs, and Examples of Angular Momentum.

Table of Content

  • What is Angular Momentum?
  • Angular Momentum Formula
  • Angular Momentum of a System of Particles
  • Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body
  • Right-Hand Thumb Rule
  • Angular Momentum and Moment of Inertia

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