An Overview of GraphQL Queries

1. Operation Type:

  • query: Fetch data.
  • mutation: Modify data (create, update, delete).

2. Operation Name:

  • Optional but useful for clarity and debugging.

3. Query Variables:

  • Parameters passed into the query.

4. Fields:

  • Data we want to retrieve.
  • Scalar types (like String, Int, Boolean) or custom types (objects).

How to Write GraphQL Queries

GraphQL queries are a fundamental part of interacting with a GraphQL server, allowing clients to request specific data they need. GraphQL queries are used to fetch or modify data from a GraphQL server. They are written in a syntax similar to JSON and allow clients to specify the exact data they need.

In this article, We will learn about How to Write GraphQL Queries by understanding various ways to write queries in GraphQL with examples and so on.

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Tools for Testing GraphQL Queries

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Overall, GraphQL queries are powerful tools for interacting with a GraphQL API, allowing clients to request specific data and avoid over-fetching. By understanding the fundamentals of GraphQL queries and using best practices like being specific with data requests, using fragments for reusability....

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