The ALTER TABLE statement modifies the structure of an existing table. It enables us to insert, update, and also delete columns, alter the datatype of columns, create or delete indexes, and perform many other table operations.

With the help of ALTER TABLE users can easily modify the existing table according to their requirements.

Syntax of ALTER TABLE in MariaDB:

ALTER TABLE table_name [alter_specification [...]];

Explanation: In the above statement, table_name is the name of the table we want to modify, and alter_specification denotes the changes we want to make.

Alter Table in MariaDB

MariaDB is an open-source RDBMS, that offers an extensive collection of features for handling database structures effectively. One important part of database management is changing tables to meet needs or improve performance. The ALTER TABLE command in MariaDB assists in these changes, allowing users to modify, add, or remove columns, indexes, and constraints. In this article, we will go into the details of ALTER TABLE in MariaDB using various examples.

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