Air Pollution Control

The following actions can be taken to reduce air pollution:

Reducing the Use of Vehicles

Vehicles should not be used for shorter distances. Instead, people should use public transportation to get from one location to another. Not only does this reduce pollutants, but it also saves energy.

Conservation of Energy

To create power, a lot of fossil fuels are used. As a result, we must remember to turn off electrical equipment when not in use. As a result, each of us may do our part to protect the environment. Utilizing energy-saving technology, such as CFLs, also significantly reduces pollutants.

Using Renewable Energy Sources

Utilizing geothermal, solar, and wind energy helps to reduce air pollution more significantly. As a move toward a cleaner environment, many nations, including India, have implemented the usage of these resources.

Additional measures to lower Air Pollution include

  • By decreasing and minimizing the usage of fire and fire-related items. Because industrial emissions are a major source of causing pollution, so this would be limited by controlling or treating them at the source. If the reactions of a given raw material produce a pollutant, for example, the raw materials can be replaced with less harmful ones.
  • Another method of reducing pollution is to use alternative fuels. CNG can be used for powered vehicles that are replacing petrol and diesel in many parts of India. These are commonly used by automobiles that do not have completely functional emissions.
  • Modifications can be done for already present equipment to reduce pollutant emissions is another technique to control air pollution generated by industries.
  • Controlling pollution at the source isn’t always possible. In that instance, process control equipment can be used to reduce pollution.
  • Diluting air pollutants is a very effective means of mitigating air pollution.
  • The final and most effective method of minimizing the negative impacts of air pollution is tree planting. A vast amount of contaminants in the air are reduced by plants and trees. Planting trees in places with high pollution levels will be quite effective.

Air Pollution Control – Definition, Types, Causes and Effects

Air Pollution Control means using methods to lessen or stop the release of pollutants into the atmosphere that could endanger human or environmental health. One of the main areas of pollution control, along with wastewater treatment, solid waste management, and hazardous waste management, is the control of air pollution. Air pollution is the degradation of the atmosphere’s environment by compounds that are dangerous to the health of mankind and other creatures that live, or that interfere with the climate or materials.

Table of Content

  • Air Pollution Definition
  • What is Air Pollution?
  • Types of Air Pollutants
    • Primary Pollutants
    • Secondary Pollutants
  • Causes of Air Pollution
  • Effects of Air Pollution
  • Air Pollution Control
    • Reducing the Use of Vehicles
    • Conservation of Energy
    • Using Renewable Energy Sources
    • Additional measures to lower Air Pollution include

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