Aftermath of World War 2 – Positive and Negative Effects

There were both positive and negative impacts of World War 2. They are mentioned below:

Positive Effects of World War 2

The positive effects of World War 2 are:

  • The Marshall Plan was one of the initiatives that accelerated post-war economic recovery and reconstruction.
  • The war encouraged invention, resulting in advances in computers, radar, and jet engines.
  • The UN was founded to advance world peace and cooperation.
  • In Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, the process of decolonization was accelerated by weaker colonial powers.
  • Advances in medicine during the war included the widespread use of antibiotics.
  • During the war, women’s roles grew, which promoted gender equality.

Negative Effects of World War 2

The negative effects of World War 2 are:

  • The Holocaust and other massive tragedies involving humans continue to be dark chapters in human history.
  • Major bombings resulted in extensive damage, requiring a large amount of reconstruction work.
  • Political unrest, military build-ups, and worldwide instability were the results of the Cold War.
  • The conflict caused hardships, inflation, and a shortage of resources, disturbing the world’s economies.
  • A humanitarian crisis and populations of refugees were created as a result of the millions of people who were displaced.
  • The war’s negative impact on the environment included pollution and ecosystem degradation.
  • The nuclear era began with the use of atomic bombs, which stimulated a continuing arms race and raised security issues.

Aftermath of World War 2

The aftermath of World War 2 caused political instability, sociological changes, and economic modifications throughout the world. World War 2 was one of the most destructive occurrences in human history. Simultaneously, there were burials, new borders, and defeated powers. After the war, there were new challenges like the growing risk of nuclear war, the formation of the United Nations to promote cooperation among countries and the independence of Asian and African nations from European and East Asian control, particularly by the United Kingdom, France, and Japan.

In just ten years, the Axis-Allied war claimed the lives of almost 80 million people, or 4% of the global population. As industries were destroyed and past leaders were removed or prosecuted, efforts were made to permanently damage those country’s ability to engage in war.

In this article, we will look into the aftermath of World War 2 in detail along with a detailed analysis of the war.

Table of Content

  • What Happened after World War 2?
  • Political Consequences of World War 2
  • Social Consequences of World War 2
  • Economic consequences after World War 2
  • Aftermath of World War 2 – Positive and Negative Effects

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