Advantages of 5G

  • Improve accessibility to mobile banking,  healthcare, and telemedicine services
  • Policymakers can empower citizens and it will help in transforming cities into smart cities.
  • Internet of things, smart cities, smart agriculture, energy monitoring, and industrial automation will help in economical betterment.
  • Used in agriculture and smart farming.
  • Support medicinal practitioners in performing advanced medical procedures.
  • It will help in the digital growth of the country which help in employment generation 
  • For entertainment and multimedia 

Future of 5G technology in Agriculture

If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right in the country – M.S. Swaminathan (Father of Green revolution).

Agriculture is a primary activity of the economy that includes growing crops, fruits, vegetables, and flowers and rearing livestock. It plays an important role in the Indian economy. More than 70% of rural households depend on agriculture. It contributes 17% to Indian GDP and provides employment to almost 58% of the population. The share of agriculture in GDP increased to 19.9% in 2020-21. Agriculture was the only sector that proved resilient during the covid -19 pandemic, as it is the only sector with a growth rate of 3.6 % in 2020-21 and 3.9% in 2021-22.  

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