Additional Cursor Methods in MongoDB

Cursor Methods modify the way that the underlying query is executed.

Method Name Description
cursor.addOption() This method is used to add special wire protocol flags and modify the behavior of the query. 
cursor.allowDiskUse() This method allows MongoDB to use temporary files on disk to store data exceeding the 100-megabyte system memory limit while processing a blocking sort operation.
cursor.allowPartialResults() This method allows find() operation against a collection to return partial results, rather than an error if one or more queried shards are unavailable.
cursor.batchSize()  This method is used to control the number of documents MongoDB will return to the client in a single network message.
cursor.close() This method is used to close a cursor and free associated server resources. 
cursor.isClosed() This method is used to return true if the cursor is closed.  
cursor.collation() This method is used to specify the collation for the cursor that is returned by the find() method.
cursor.comment() This method is used to attacha exhausts a comment to the query to allow for traceability in the logs and the system.profile collection.
cursor.explain() This method is used to report on the query execution plan for a cursor.
cursor.forEach() This function is used to apply a JavaScript function for every document present in the cursor.
cursor.hasNext() This method returns true if the cursor has more documents and can be iterated.
cursor.hint() This method forces MongoDB to use a specific index for a query.
cursor.isExhausted() When the cursor is closed and there are no objects remaining in the batch, this method returns true
cursor.itcount() cursor.count() and itcount() are both similar only. In itcount(), execution on an existing iterator, exhausting its contents in the process. Output is available in an array by applying a function to each document in a cursor.
cursor.max() This method is used to specify an exclusive upper index bound for the cursor.
cursor.maxTimeMS() This method is used to specify the cumulative time limit in cumulative time limit in milliseconds for operations on a cursor.
cursor.min() This method is used to specify inclusive lower index bound for a cursor. This method is used to retrieve the next document in a cursor.
cursor.noCursorTimeout() This method instructs the server to avoid closing a cursor automatically after a period of inactivity.
cursor.objsLeftInBatch() This method is used to find the number of documents left in the current cursor batch.
cursor.pretty() This method is used to display the results in an easy-to-read manner.
cursor.readConcern() A read concern is specified for a find() operation.
cursor.readPref() This method specified a read preference to a cursor to control how the client directs queries to a replica set.
cursor.returnKey() Usually, the find() operation resultant cursor provides documents whereas returnkey() modifies the cursor and it returns the realindex keys
cursor.showRecordId() This method adds an internal storage engine ID field which is returned by the cursor.
cursor.skip() During the display of documents, we may be required to skip few documents due to various reasons. During that time, skip() helps to display results after skipping a number of documents.
cursor.tailable() The method is marked as tailable with the cursors of capped collections.

MongoDB Cursor

The MongoDB cursor is a pointer that references the documents of the collection returned by the find() method.

The cursor is used to access the documents. By default, the cursor iterates automatically, but can also be iterated manually by the user.

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