Adding to contact information section

Another way to add your GitHub link is through the contact info section.

Step 1:

Go to your linkedin profile, click the pencil icon near the top right of your profile summary to edit contact info.

Step 2:

After clicking pencil button scroll down and look for Edit contact info and click on it.

Step 3:

Scroll down and look for Add website button.

Step 4:

After clicking “Add website” button a dialog box will open for you to enter the website details. In the “Website URL” field, paste your GitHub profile URL and In the “Website type” dropdown menu select “Other”. Click the “Save” button to add the link to your contact info.

Step 5:

Go back to your profile to confirm that the GitHub link appears in your contact info section.

How to Add Github to Linkedin?

Adding a GitHub profile to LinkedIn is a great way to showcase our coding projects, contributions, and technical skills. This can enhance our LinkedIn profile by providing potential employers and professional connections with direct access to our work. There are multiple ways to add your GitHub to LinkedIn like listing it under “Featured” or integrating it directly in the “Contact Info” section.

Table of Content

  • Adding to Featured Section
  • Adding to Contact Information Section

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Adding to contact information section

Another way to add your GitHub link is through the contact info section....

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