Adding tab space using a pre-tag

The <pre> tag, HTML preserves whitespace, including tabs. This tag is ideal for displaying code or text where spacing is critical, as it maintains the original formatting without collapsing multiple spaces into one.

Adding tab space using a pre tag Syntax:

<pre> Contents... </pre>

Adding tab space using a pre tag Example:

Here is the implementation of above explained approach.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      Using the pre Tag
        <h2 style="color: green;">w3wiki</h2>
            This is some    text with        multiple    spaces and    tabs.
            Tabs are preserved,           as well as the                 spaces.


using pre tag


  • In the above example we are using uses the <pre> tag to encapsulate text, preserving its original formatting.
  • Spaces and tabs within the <pre> tag are displayed as entered, without collapsing or converting them into single spaces.
  • Consecutive spaces and tabs are maintained, ensuring proper alignment and layout of the text.
  • The <pre> tag is commonly used for displaying code snippets, preserving their original indentation and whitespace.

How to tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces (nbsp)?

Tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces refers to using the tab key for indentation or spacing within text, rather than inserting multiple non-breaking space entities (nbsp) to achieve the same visual effect, which can be cumbersome and less efficient.

We can the <pre> tag or CSS properties like inline block, padding, and margin to display text with consistent spacing instead of relying on multiple non-breaking spaces (nbsp) for indentation.

Table of Content

  • Adding tab space using a pre tag
  • Adding tab space using inline-block
  • Adding tab space using padding property
  • Adding tab space Using margin property

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