Accuracy and Precision Examples

Accuracy and precision are two fundamental concepts in measurement that can be illustrated with everyday examples.

Accuracy Examples

  1. If a weather forecast predicts a high of 75°F and the actual temperature is 75°F, the forecast is accurate. Accuracy in weather forecasting is crucial for planning and preparedness.
  2. When a recipe requires 1 teaspoon of salt, and you use a measuring spoon to add exactly 1 teaspoon, our measurement is accurate. Accurate measurements in cooking ensure the dish tastes as intended.

Precision Examples

  1. Imagine a bowler hits the same spot in the pins setup with every throw, regardless of strikes. This shows precision. The bowler’s throws are consistently hitting the same area, showing high precision in their aim and throw technique.
  2. In a factory, a machine that cuts pieces of metal to a length of 5.00 cm with very little variation among the pieces demonstrates precision. The ability to reproduce the same measurement consistently is critical for product quality.

Accuracy and Precision Combined Examples

  1. A diagnostic test that consistently and correctly identifies a condition without errors shows both accuracy and precision. Accurate and precise medical tests are vital for correct diagnosis and treatment.
  2. An archer who consistently hits the bullseye demonstrates both precision (hitting the same spot repeatedly) and accuracy (hitting the target spot).

Accuracy and Precision in Measurement

Accuracy means how close a measurement comes to the true value while precision refers to how consistently one can repeat a measurement. Every measurement contains some uncertainty in them. It may be due to limitations in measurement tools, observer variation, or environmental factors. This affects both the accuracy and precision of measurements. In this article, we are going to learn about accuracy and precision in detail, along with their examples and differences.

Table of Content

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Accuracy and Precision Examples
  • Difference between Accuracy and Precision
  • Solved Examples on Accuracy and Precision

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Solved Examples of Accuracy and Precision

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Practice Questions on Accuracy and Precision

Q1: A student experiment measured to measure the acceleration due to gravity using a pendulum. The true value of gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s². The student records five measurements: 9.78 m/s², 9.79 m/s², 9.77 m/s², 9.79 m/s², and 9.78 m/s². Are these measurements accurate, precise, both, or neither? Explain your answer....

FAQs on Accuracy and Precision in Measurement

What is the difference between accuracy and precision in measurements?...

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