How to use Object.assign() In Javascript

Using Object.assign() allows you to create a new object without a specified property by copying all properties except the one you want to remove.

Syntax of object.assign():

const { age, } = Object.assign({}, details);


The below code implements the Object.assign() method to remove property from an object.

const details = {
    name: 'Alex',
    age: 30,
    country: 'Canada'

console.log('orignal object', details)
const { age, } = Object.assign({}, details);

orignal object { name: 'Alex', age: 30, country: 'Canada' }
{ name: 'Alex', country: 'Canada' }


  • The Object.assign({}, details) method creates a shallow copy of the details object. This prevents modification of the original details object.
  • Then, object destructuring is used to extract the ā€œageā€ property from the copied object and assign it to the age variable. The rest of the properties are collected into a new object called rest.
  • As a result, the rest object contains all properties of the original details object except for the ā€œageā€ property.
  • The rest object is then logged to the console, showing the object without the ā€œageā€ property.

How to remove a key-value pair from JavaScript object?

JavaScript object is a powerful data structure that combines keys and values. Sometimes, we need to delete a specific key-value from an object. It can be done using the approaches given below.

How to remove a key-value from JavaScript object ?

There are several methods that can be used to remove a key from a JavaScript object:

Table of Content

  • Using the reduce() and filter() methods
  • Using the delete operator
  • Destructuring with the Rest Operator
  • Using Object.assign()
  • Using Object.fromEntries() and Object.entries()
  • Using _.omit method of Underscore.js library
  • UseCase of Remove a key from JavaScript object

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