How to use insertOne() Method with insertedId Property In NodeJS

In the MongoDB, insertOne() method is used to insert a single document into the collection. It also returns the document that contains inserted document details & inserted Id property.


db.collection.insertOne(document, callback)
  • document: The document to be inserted into the collection.
  • callback: An optional callback function that is called after the insertion is complete

Example 1: Adding the Java course and getting the Inserted Id

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Course = require("./model");
const db = require("./dbConnect");

async function insertData() {
try {

const javaCourse = new Course({
Title: "Java",
Fees: 10000,
Instructor: "Akhil Sir",
date: new Date("2024-03-23"),

const savedCourse = await;

const insertedId = savedCourse._id;
console.log("Inserted document _id:", insertedId);

console.log("Data inserted successfully");

const insertedData = await Course.find({});
console.log("Inserted data:");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error inserting data:", error);
} finally {




Server is running on port 3000
MongoDB connected
Inserted document _id: new ObjectId('662894fbef2273c58f5d1592')
Data inserted successfully
Inserted data:
_id: new ObjectId('662894fbef2273c58f5d1592'),
Title: 'Python',
Fees: 25000,
Instructor: 'Sushant Sir',
date: 2024-03-23T00:00:00.000Z,
__v: 0

Example 2: Adding the Python course & getting the Inserted Id

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Course = require("./model");
const db = require("./dbConnect");

async function insertData() {
try {
const pythonCourse = new Course({
Title: "Python",
Fees: 25000,
Instructor: "Sushant Sir",
date: new Date("2024-03-23"),

const savedCourse = await;

const insertedId = savedCourse._id;
console.log("Inserted document _id:", insertedId);

console.log("Data inserted successfully");

const insertedData = await Course.find({});
console.log("Inserted data:");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error inserting data:", error);
} finally {




Server is running on port 3000
MongoDB connected
Inserted document _id: new ObjectId('662894c857ef020ca85343f0')
Data inserted successfully
Inserted data:
_id: new ObjectId('662894c857ef020ca85343f0'),
Title: 'Python',
Fees: 25000,
Instructor: 'Sushant Sir',
date: 2024-03-23T00:00:00.000Z,
__v: 0

How to Get the id of Inserted Document in MongoDB in NodeJS

MongoDB is a popular type of NoSQL database. It stores data in documents that look like JSON. When working with MongoDB using Mongoose, _id is a unique identifier of each document in a collection and it can be used to perform operations on the document, such as updating or deleting it. The insertion method is used to insert a document into a MongoDB collection.

In this article, We will learn about the process of Getting the _id of the inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS by understanding the various methods along with the examples and so on.

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Overall summary, In the above approaches we are using the insertOne with ops property & insertedId property to insert the document in MongoDb collection. and result from these methods contains information of inserted documents with id. so we can easily access the insertedId property using _id ,and the ops array. The above approachs allows developer to easily obtain the unique identifier(s) assigned by MongoDB to the newly inserted documents, which can be useful for various purposes, such as referencing or updating the documents later on....

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