Tips to Eat Your Frog – The Right Way!

For a newbie trying to learn the “Eat the Frog” technique, it might get a little hard. However, there are certain tips that you should follow to eat your frog, the right way:

1. Determine Your Frog

Determining your frog means understanding and listing the tasks that need to be done. Make sure you arrange your tasks in order of priority. So that your most important task or what we say the “frog” remains on the top.

2. Prioritize Your Frog

Once you have decided on the main frog for your to-do list, it’s time to start taking action toward those tasks one by one. Start with the most important work and move towards the least. 

3. Schedule Your Frog as the First Task of the Morning

A great way to start your day is by tackling the most important work in the morning. Therefore, start your day by finishing whatever task that you have given the most priority to. 

4. Split Your Frog down into Smaller Tasks

It is not always right to finish your important task in one go. If your “frog” or priority task is too big, try splitting it down into smaller tasks. This way, your task will be manageable. 

5. Eliminate Your Distractions and Take Action

Distractions are always the biggest enemy for a procrastinator willing to start making a positive change.  Therefore, before getting onto your frog, make sure you cut yourself from any kind of distraction, be it your smartphone, friends, or something else.

6. Adopt a Positive Attitude

When you adopt a positive attitude towards anything, you start to get interested in that work. Consequently, you’ll be motivated to finish that task.

7. Always be Open to New Ideas and be Consistent With the New Habit

When start to inculcate a new habit into your schedule everything in your regime is going to restrain it but try to be a learner in an evolving environment and make sure to be consistent with the new habit. 

Eat the Frog: How to Boost Productivity

We all tend to overestimate what we can achieve in a day and underestimate what we could accomplish in a week/month/year/decade. 

Are you too struggling with procrastination, being occupied with tons of work all day, and still not making satisfactory progress on important tasks? Feeling overwhelmed by others’ to-do list and has not prepared your customized one yet? Confused about deciding what work to start your day with? Then it’s time to eat the frog – first thing in the morning to boost your productivity.


Read on to this article to know more about how to get rid of this unhealthy habit of procrastination and kick-start your every day in a much more organized manner!

The majority of people struggle with one common problem – Procrastination. While it may seem like a silly habit, it can cost you greatly. Therefore, it is always important to learn techniques to tackle your procrastination habits. One such technique is “Eat the Frog”.

In this article, we’ll cover the following topics:

  • What is “Eat the Frog”
  • How do you spot the Frog
  • Tips to “Eat the Frog” 
  • Benefits of “Eating the Frog”

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

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