String Conversion using atoi( )

The atoi() function in C takes a character array or string literal as an argument and returns its value in an integer. It is defined in the <stdlib.h> header file.

If you observe atoi() a little closer you will find out that it stands for:

Breakdown of atoi() in simple terms



// C program to demonstrate the
// functioning of the atoi() function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char* str1 = "141";
    char* str2 = "3.14";
    // explicit type casting
    int res1 = atoi(str1);
    // explicit type casting
    int res2 = atoi(str2);
    printf("atoi(%s) is %d \n", str1, res1);
    printf("atoi(%s) is %d \n", str2, res2);
    return 0;


atoi(141) is 141 
atoi(3.14) is 3 

Atoi behaves a bit differently for string. Let’s check how:



// C Program to implement
// Atoi function with char array
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char* str1 = "Geek 12345";
    char* str2 = "12345 Geek";
    int num1 = atoi(str1);
    int num2 = atoi(str2);
    printf("%d is of '%s'\n", num1, str1);
    printf("%d is of '%s'\n", num2, str2);
    return 0;


0 is of 'Geek 12345'
12345 is of '12345 Geek'


  • “Geek 12345”  here  ‘Geek’ is the first word so the answer will be : 0 (No number)
  • “12345 Geek” here ‘12345’ is the first word so the answer will be: 12345

Convert String to int in C

Converting string to int is a reoccurring task in the programming world. Despite being a simple task, many coders either fail or get confused while doing this. Conversion is mostly done so that we can perform operations over numbers that are stored as strings.




C is a strongly typed language. We’ll get an error if we try to input a value that isn’t acceptable with the data type. Not just in inputs but we will get an error while performing operations.

There are 3 methods to convert a string to int which are as follows:

  1. Using atoi( )
  2. Using Loops
  3. Using sscanf()

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