Reshaping Data

Data often needs to be reshaped to facilitate analysis. The reshape2 and tidyr packages are popular choices for data reshaping:

  1. melt() and cast() (from reshape2): Convert data between wide and long formats.
  2. gather() and spread() (from tidyr): Reshape data between key-value pairs and wide format.

Organising Data in R

Organizing data is a fundamental step in data analysis and manipulation, and R Programming Language provides a powerful set of tools and techniques to help you efficiently structure and manage your data. Whether you’re working with small datasets or massive datasets, understanding how to organize your data effectively is crucial for data analysis, visualization, and modeling. In this article, we will explore various methods and holding for organizing data.

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Techniques for Organizing Data

1. Data Frame Manipulation...

2. Reshaping Data


3. Data Aggregation


4. Dealing with Missing Data


5. String Manipulation




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