10 Reasons to Use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool

1. Superior UI

Adobe XD comes with a superior UI created keeping the developer’s experience at most priority. We have the tools panel on the leftmost side of the UI. Next to it is the artboards section followed by the work space in the middle. This type of User Interface is the most optimal one for designers and is also consistent with the UI of other UI/UX Design Tools.

2. Plugins

Adobe XD has a lot of plugins and app integrations from third part developers which makes the design process a lot more effective and efficient. These Plugins help us automate all the repetitive tasks and complex tasks saving us time as a designers. Some of the most commonly used Plugins are:

  • Artboard plus
  • Lorem ipsum
  • Rename it
  • UnDraw
  • UI Faces
  • PhotoSplash 2

3. Repeat Grid

Repeat Grid is one of the most unique features of Adobe XD and one of the most important reasons why you should be using Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool. It really helps speed up the design process. Repeat Grid allows us to firstly design as element and simply have copies of the element and even get them automatically arranges in a grid. Then using simple controls we can easily change the vertical and horizontal spacing between these copies.

4. Symbols and Styles

Adobe XD comes with styles and reusable symbols feature. We can create any kind of shape on our Canvas and simply select it and design it as we want. After that we can make that symbol, a reusable component that we could use over and over again in our design. This becomes useful while designing Buttons or Logo or a certain style that would be used at multiple places in our design.

5. Responsive Resizing

Adobe XD gives us the ability to create components and different pieces of design that can stretch in an intelligent way across different screen sizes. When we click on any element in Adobe XD, in the properties panel we get the Responsive Resize option and by default It is turned on for us. Using Responsive Resizing, we can have a design that automatically adjusts to the different screen sizes.

6. Component and instance

A component is reusable element in Adobe XD. This feature of Components and Instances is very useful for modern day UI designing. With Adobe XD, we can design an element and then make it a Component. Now we can have Instances, we can simply create Instances of the component and make changes to it. Any changes made to the Component is reflected on all the instances but any change made on instances are not reflected on the Component.

7. Document Assets

Document Assets is a feature provided by Adobe XD that allows us to save colors and character styles and then apply them to other elements. Document Assets along with components are also saved in a document library that can be shared with other people making it a super useful feature for creating design systems and also sharing the design with others in the team.

8. Better Prototyping

Adobe XD comes with far better Prototyping features than other UI/UX designing tools. With Adobe XD, we can create better animations that can bring a design to life and allow users to interact with the design. Prototyping is one of the most important reasons why many UI/UX designers prefer Adobe XD over other UI/UX Design Tools.

9. Free to Use

Another reason why you should be using Adobe XD as your next UI/UX Design Tool is that Adobe XD is free to use until you want the full access of all it’s collaboration features. It does have a paid plan for those who want full access to the collaboration features but the free application itself is more than enough for most of the designers. Another great thing about Adobe XD is that it is available on Mac OS and Windows and you can save your documents in the adobe cloud so you will be able to access them from multiple devices.

10. Great Community support

The last of the ten most important reasons to use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool is that it has a great community of designers using it and making free content around it. So learning Abode XD really becomes easy since you can find multiple tutorial of each and every feature that the application provides. Also whenever you get struct their is an entire community of Abode XD designers whom you can ask your doubts.

10 Reasons to use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool

Adobe XD is a vector-based UI/UX Design tool. It is used to design anything from smartwatch apps to fully-fledged websites. Abode XD was first introduced by Adobe Inc. in 2015 and since then it has been one of the most used tools for UI/UX designing. Adobe XD was introduced as a breath of fresh air for all the designers who were using old and less productive software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustration. Adobe XD unlike other Adobe tools is built specifically for UI/UX designing so the features it had were non-existent in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

In this article, we are going to discuss the top 10 reasons why you should use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool for your next project.

10 Reasons to use Adobe XD

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10 Reasons to Use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool

1. Superior UI...


Adobe XD is a vector based UI/UX Design tool that can be used to design anything from smartwatch apps to fully fledged websites. There are many UI/UX Design tools out there but there is a lot more that Adobe XD offers than it’s alternatives. In this article we provided you with the top 10 reasons to use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool, now that you know the advantages of Adobe XD you can make an informed decision of whether you should use Adobe XD as a UI/UX Design Tool for your next project or not....

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