Perform a ping scan to determine which hosts are online

The following command is used to perform a ping scan on a target system or network. This type of scan is often referred to as a “host discovery” or “ping sweep” scan. When you run this command Nmap will sends ICMP echo request packets (commonly known as “pings“) to the specified target IP address(es) or network range, and identifies which hosts are alive (responding to the ping requests) and which hosts are not responding.

Command :

nmap -sn <target>

Output :

Top 30 Basic NMAP Commands for Beginners

For a cybersecurity enthusiast or professional, mastering network scanning tools is very important to comprehend and assess the security position of networks and systems. Nmap, an influential and versatile Network Mapper, is the network reconnaissance and vulnerability detection go-to tool. As you begin your journey in ethical hacking or work towards developing your penetration testing skills, it is imperative to learn the key Nmap commands. The following 30 Nmap basic commands will provide a good starting point for scanning networks efficiently, finding live hosts, discovering opened ports, as well as obtaining useful details on services hosted on those machines. With Nmap in your toolbox, you will be armed with the necessary tools not just to understand the intricacies of network exploration but also to uncover any possible vulnerabilities that could breach security within the digital landscape.

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What is NMAP ?

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful tool that helps you discover and gather information about devices and services running on a network. In simple terms, Nmap is like a special tool that lets you see which computers or devices are connected to a network and what programs or applications are running on them. It’s like having a special pair of glasses that can see which houses have people living in them and what kinds of activities are happening inside each house....

1. Perform a basic TCP scan on the specified target

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2. Perform a ping scan to determine which hosts are online

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3. Probe open ports to determine service/version info

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4. Perform a ping scan

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5. Perform a Don’t ping scan

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6. Scan only the specified port or port range

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7. Perform a stealthy SYN scan to find open TCP ports

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8. Try to detect the target operating system

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9. Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute

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10. Use default Nmap scripts for deeper probing

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11. Run a specific Nmap script

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12. Save output to a text file

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13. Save output in XML format

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14. Scan targets from a list and save output

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15. Scan ports 1 through 100

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16. Fast scan mode (only scans 100 most common ports)

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17. Scan ports consecutively instead of randomly

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18. Ping scan using ICMP echo requests

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19. Ping scan using TCP timestamp requests

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20. Ping scan using TCP netmask requests

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21. TCP Window scan to bypass some packet filters

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22. Xmas scan to map out firewall rulesets

The following command is used to perform an idle/zombie scan on the specified target system(s). When you run this command, Nmap first identifies an idle system on the network that meets certain criteria. Then, it spoofs packets from the idle system to scan the target system(s). The responses from the target system(s) are sent back to the idle system, allowing Nmap to infer which ports are open or closed based on the changes in the idle system’s behavior....

23. TCP NULL scan to map out firewall rulesets

The following command is used to perform a TCP NULL scan on the specified target system(s). When you run this command, Nmap will send TCP packets with no flags set (NULL packets) to various ports on the target system(s). The responses from the target system(s) are then analyzed to determine which ports are open, closed, or filtered....

24. TCP FIN scan to map out firewall rulesets

The following command is used to perform a TCP FIN scan on the specified target system(s). When you run this command, Nmap will send TCP packets with the FIN flag set to various ports on the target system(s). The responses from the target system(s) are then analyzed to determine which ports are open, closed, or filtered....

25. Idle/bounced scan to disguise source

The following command is used to perform an idle/zombie scan on the specified target system(s) using the provided zombie host. When you run this command, Nmap first verifies that the specified meets the criteria for an idle system (i.e., it has no active connections and has not sent any packets recently). Then, it spoofs packets from the idle system to scan the target system(s). The responses from the target system(s) are sent back to the idle system, allowing Nmap to infer which ports are open or closed based on the changes in the idle system’s behavior....

26. Scan using tiny fragmented IP packets

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27. Use decoy IP addresses to obscure the source

The following command is used to perform a decoy scan on the specified target system(s) using the provided decoy IP addresses. When you run this command, Nmap will send spoofed packets from the specified decoy IP addresses along with the real scan packets. This can make it more difficult for the target system(s) or network devices (such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems) to determine the true source of the scan, as they will see traffic coming from multiple IP addresses....

28. Display the reason why a port is in a particular state

The following command is used to display the reason codes for the port states reported by Nmap during a scan on the specified target system(s). When you run this command, Nmap will perform its default TCP connect scan on the target system(s). However, in addition to the standard output displaying open, closed, and filtered ports, it will also include a reason code for each port state....

29. Display detailed information about packet transmissions

The following command is used to display a detailed trace of the packets sent and received by Nmap during a scan on the specified target system(s). When you run this command, Nmap will perform its default TCP connect scan on the target system(s). However, instead of just displaying the standard output of open, closed, and filtered ports, it will also print a detailed trace of the packets sent and received during the scan....

30. Set the intensity level for version detection

The following command is used to set the intensity level for version detection when scanning the specified target using Nmap. When you run this command, Nmap will scan the target(s) and attempt to determine the versions of services or applications running on any open ports it finds. The level you set will determine how much effort Nmap puts into trying to accurately identify the service versions....


As a beginner in cybersecurity or ethical hacking, mastering Nmap is crucial for understanding and assessing networks and systems. Nmap allows you to discover live devices, open ports, and services running on a network, providing valuable information for identifying potential security vulnerabilities. With practice and understanding of these fundamental commands, you’ll be well-equipped to perform effective network reconnaissance and uncover potential vulnerabilities, ultimately enhancing your cybersecurity skills as a beginner....

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