
According to a 2023 report from FAIR, Pakistan is the world’s eighth-largest arms importer.

  • In 2018–2022, Pakistan’s arms imports increased by 14% and accounted for 3.7% of the world’s total arms imports. China is the main supplier of arms to Pakistan.
  • Pakistan’s arms imports include several weaponry, including fighter jets, naval vessels, armored vehicles, and advanced missile systems, purchased from various international suppliers.
  • The country’s strategic location in South Asia, bordering Afghanistan, Iran, India, and China, contributes to its security concerns, requiring the necessity for a well-armed military.
  • Also, Pakistan’s participation in counterterrorism operations, especially in its sensitive northwest regions and along the Afghan border, emphasizes the importance of keeping strong military forces.

Top 10 Largest Arms Importers in the World

In the last five years, India accounted for the largest share of global arms imports (11%), followed by Saudi Arabia (9.6%), Qatar (6.4%), Australia (4.7%), and China (4.7%), according to data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). It is a think tank that monitors imports of weapons over five years.

In this article, we will look into the list of the top 10 arms importer countries in the world along with the percentage of share of global arms imports and the major suppliers.

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According to research by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), India is the greatest importer of weaponry in the world, despite an 11% drop in arms acquisitions between 2013–17 and 2018–22. The report’s release coincides with India’s increased attempts to become a self-sufficient player in the defense manufacturing industry....

10. UAE

According to SIPRI, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is ranked 10th globally for arms imports, down from the top 10 in 2018–2022....

9. Japan

Japan is the ninth-largest arms importer in the world, with a 3.1% share of global arms imports in 2024....

8. Pakistan

According to a 2023 report from FAIR, Pakistan is the world’s eighth-largest arms importer....

7. South Korea

South Korea was the seventh largest weapons supplier globally from 2018 to 2022....

6. Egypt

Egypt’s arms imports were $701 million in 2022. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says that Egypt is the world’s sixth largest arms importer....

5. China

China is the fifth largest arms importer in the world in 2023. In 2018–2022, China, along with India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Australia, were the five largest arms importers, accounting for 36% of the global arms imports....

4. Australia

Australia is the fourth largest arms importer in the world, accounting for 4.7% of total global arms imports....

3. Qatar

Qatar was the third largest importer of major arms between 2018 and 2022, accounting for 6% of the global market....

2. Saudi Arabia

According to a SIPRI report, Saudi Arabia was the world’s second-largest arms importer from 2018–2022, accounting for 9.6% of all arms imports....

1. India

According to a 2023 SIPRI report, India is the world’s largest arms importer. From 2018–2022, India’s share of global arms imports was 11%, the highest in the world....


In conclusion, the global arms trade is a significant aspect of geopolitics and international relations. The top 10 arms importers are located in all parts of the world, and their arms imports reflect their strategic interests and security concerns. The arms trade is a complex and dynamic area, and it is likely to continue to be a significant factor in global politics for many years to come. India has been the world’s largest arms importer since 1993, and its imports declined by 11 per cent between 2013-17 and 2018-22. The US share of global arms exports increased from 33% to 40% while Russia’s fell from 22% to 16%....

FAQs on Top 10 Arms Importers in the World

Why does the United Arab Emirates (UAE) rank among the top 10 arms importers globally?...

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