On-site Round 3 – Technical Round (1 Hour)

a. Some problems on pointers like is the difference between pointers valid or not, problems on pass by reference to a function, etc.

b. What happens when we declare an object of a class and allocate memory to it?

c. Questions on inheritance, polymorphism, virtual function, etc.

d. Write a program to implement a Hash Table with the following APIs-

i. void insert(int key, int value),
ii. void delete(int key),
iii. int search(int key) and
iv. int getRecentElement() (Recent element is that element which has been touched by either insert() or search(), return its key).

   All the above APIs should work in O(1). Assuming no duplicate keys.

e. Search an element in an array where each consecutive pair of element differ exactly by 1 i.e |A[i] – A[i+1]| = 1 and |A[i-1] – A[i]| = 1.

f. Given N threads and single instances of N different types of resources, how will you allocate the resources to threads such that there is no deadlock and waiting time is minimum? Assume that each thread can come at any time and ask for any number of resources. You don’t know when a thread will come.


Adobe Interview Experience | MTS-1

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